Devin is 11 years old. Devin has Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He was diagnosed on April 1, 2021 when he was 10. When we found out that he had something wrong, possibly cancer we received a call from our family physician telling us we needed to get to Iowa City, and that they were waiting for us and that we would be there for at least 5 days. It ended up that we were there for 9 days, the longest 9 days of hell we could ever imagine. Devin had to get blood, platelets, spinal tap , a port in his body for chemo and the start of chemo treatments, and of course, we had to tell my child that he had cancer. We have been going to Iowa City Stead Children's hospital regularly since then. Chemotherapy treatments, spinal taps, blood and platelet infusions, and tons of blood draws to check all of his blood levels. We have been in the hospital 2 times for 5 days for infections and 4 times for inpatient chemo treatments that were average 5 days each stay. Devin is in remission and done with regular chemo treatments in February but still has another year of monthly visits and daily oral chemo. 

Devin is a great kid that loves video games and soccer. Unfortunately, he has not been able to play soccer for spring or fall but we are hopeful that he will be able to get back to playing in the spring. He loves to play video games, mostly Fortnite. It is also a way for him to play with friends since he has been pretty weak from chemo he hasn't been able to play like other kids. When he is at school he mostly just sits on a bench at recess and watches other kids play.  Video games are a way for him to talk with other kids and play with them. 

 Sometimes things in life help you, and others, see who you are, how strong you really are. This is Devin's. I have learned how strong he really is. He does everything he has to. Everything he has to endure for treatment, he takes it bravely. Doesn't complain, just takes it. I know things hurt him and make him sick and he still shows up every appointment and does what needs to be done. I tell him all the time that he is so brave but he alway said that he isn't, just doing what he had to so one day I told him why he was so brave, I explained to him that being brave means even when you're afraid of something, you still face it and do it, and that what he is going through is one of the scariest things a person could go through, and because of that, he is the bravest person I've ever met. I also tell him that things that he face later in life will be hard, but if he can do this as a kid, he can do anything!! 

I am so grateful for Devin's wish being granted.  He received so many ways to connect and play with other kids. For once he had something to look forward to and now he has a great game setup that makes him happy and lets him have fun and forget all of the bad stuff for awhile. He also got a laptop that he can play while at Doctor visits or in the hospital. 

I will forever be grateful for Make a Wish and all the donors and volunteers. You all truly made one boy very happy. 

-Kimberly, Devin’s Mom

Together we create life changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Thanks to donors and supporters like you, Devin’s wish was made possible. Thank you for delivering hope and happiness to Devin and his family!