Ava, now 9 years old, was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia earlier this year, a rare blood disorder causing bone marrow failure. Her body was unable to make enough blood cells or maintain a functional immune system. She was at great risk for severe infection, received over 45 transfusions of blood products and spent over 50 nights in the hospital this year. Ava underwent a bone marrow transplant this summer from a matched unrelated donor, which was successful. She is currently in recovery from her bone marrow transplant, as her immune system recovers.

Ava loves kitties and adopted two kittens from the Animal Rescue League last year. Her love of kitties, fidgets, online games, and planning her wish have helped her get through this challenging year. She created a "Kitty Club" for her and her BFF this year, to share their love of kitties. She looked forward to her Kitty Club meetings each week.

We are so proud of Ava for making it through the most difficult year of her life. Her fierce determination to "kick aplastic anemia's butt" and her resilience through many challenges have taught us so much. She has been in protective isolation due to her fragile immune system since Feb 14, 2021, and it's been so difficult for her not to go to school in-person or even go to stores. We loved seeing movies in the theater together as a family previously, so it was very meaningful for Ava's wish of a movie theater at home to be granted. Now we are able to have the movie theater experience as a family while also keeping Ava safe and protected, as her immune system recovers.

- Ava’s parents, Eric & Emily Brown

Together we create life changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Thanks to donors and supporters like you, Ava’s wish was made possible. Thank you for delivering hope and happiness to Ava’s family!